Comment period extended for West Mamm Creek Pipeline proposal south of Rifle

FIle/Citizen Telegram
Garfield County residents now have more time to share their thoughts on a proposal for new natural gas and water pipelines south of Rifle, according to a news release.
The White River National Forest and Bureau of Land Management Colorado River Valley Field Office have extended the public comment period for the West Mamm Creek Pipeline Project Draft Environmental Assessment, which was originally set to close on Jan. 3. Feedback will now be accepted until Jan. 17.
The project, proposed by TEP Rocky Mountain LLC and Grand River Gathering LLC, would involve constructing about 7 miles of pipelines to transport natural gas and produced water. Officials say the project could significantly reduce truck traffic in the area while improving transportation efficiency.
“The proposed West Mamm Creek Pipeline Project would deliver produced water into an existing water management system, and collect and deliver natural gas into a pipeline system for delivery to national markets,” the release said. “The proposed pipelines would significantly reduce current and anticipated truck traffic in the area.”
If approved, the pipelines would cross 2.9 miles of National Forest System lands, 2.1 miles of BLM-managed lands, and 2.1 miles of private property. The project requires rights-of-way approvals from the BLM and a special use permit from the Forest Service before construction can begin.
While the proposal does not include new oil or gas development, the pipeline system could support future projects, according to the release. Any new development on federal lands or minerals would need a separate review and public comment period, according to the draft assessment.
The West Mamm Creek Pipeline Project Draft Environmental Assessment is available for review online, along with maps and instructions for submitting comments, at

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