Families invited to snowshoe and ice fishing event

Clint Charboneau and his dog, Toby, do a little ice fishing Saturday at Rifle Gap Reservoir.
Ray Erku / Post Independent

On Saturday, Feb. 8, Garfield County Outdoors is holding a Snowshoe and Ice Fishing Day on Saturday, Feb. 8 for the whole family at Rifle Gap State Park. 

There will be an ice fishing clinic and gear will be available, along with ski and snowshoe rentals. Hot cocoa and lessons on ice fishing and snowshoeing will also be available. 

A Colorado State Parks Pass is required to enter and fishing licenses for anyone over age 16 is also required. 

If you go…

What: Snowshoe and Ice Fishing Day

Where: 577 Colorado Highway 325 in Rifle, at the Cottonwood Campground Pavilion at Rifle Gap State Park.

When: 9:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m., Saturday, Feb. 8.

Cost: Free to attend, rentals available.


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