COVID-19 cases cause Wamsley Elementary and Carbondale Middle School students to switch to distance learning

At Carbondale Middle School, a positive COVID-19 test resulted in almost the entire eighth grade class transitioning to distance learning, a news release states. Parents and students were notified that the distance learning would begin on Monday, April 5. The middle school considers all of the eighth grade students and teachers to be a cohort which is why distance learning is not limited to just one classroom. The release did not specify if it was a student or staff member who tested positive, but the cohort will be able to return to in-person learning on Tuesday, April 13.

Wamsley Elementary School in Rifle also reported a case of COVID-19, or an individual who is showing symptoms and will transition 97 students to distance learning as well. A news release states that in accordance with Garfield County Public Health guidelines these students will quarantine for 10 days from the date of exposure, April 2. In addition to the custodial staff deep-cleaning the school over the weekend to prepare for the return of staff and students who were not exposed, there will be health investigations done on the individual’s activities and who they came into contact with when they were symptomatic to ensure everyone who needs to be quarantined will be doing so.

For more information about quarantine or COVID-19 symptoms, contact Garfield County Public Health at their Glenwood office at 970-945-6614 or their Rifle office at 970-625-5200.



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