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Dear Editor,

To those merchants who are apprehensive about closing the downtown eastern “wing” street, let me offer a few words of encouragement that may embolden you to take a step into a brighter future.

Look at your fellow merchants across the street – are they withering on the vine? No, they seem perpetually prosperous, popular and patronized.

Anything the downtown business community can do to add beauty and a greater sense of tranquility will only attract more customers. Clipping the wing is a step in the right direction.

I heartily agree that, today, the area is poorly maintained – perhaps the city can commit to doing a better job. Get rid of the pigeons, paint the underside of the bridge, landscape, and add some atmospheric lighting.

But also, what about a little civic pride and individual initiative? The merchants in Europe wash the streets in front of their shops every day, plant flowers, display their wares attractively, dress up their windows, and provide seating for al fresco dining.

The contrast between the beautiful grounds on the north side of the bridge and the sad streetscape of the south is tragic for Glenwood. Public and private, let’s do what we can to set the bar a little higher. Beauty and profit are not antithetical, they go hand in hand.


Michael W. Larime

Glenwood Springs

Dear Editor,

Was the story about the “daring rescue” of Jessica Lynch “one of the most stunning pieces of news management ever conceived”? Was the story about her rescue in Iraq staged in Hollywood style, with guns with blanks and no enemy in the area?

Sounds like a fake story from one of the wild magazines at the grocery checkout stands, doesn’t it?

But the source is the widely respected World Edition of the BBC News. Check on your computer for the May 15 story by John Kampfer: “Saving Private Lynch story `flawed.'”

More and more I am convinced that the some of the very important stories in our U.S. news media are part of a deliberate program to manipulate our thinking.

Frankly, I think that much of the information we are being fed about Iraq is being “selected” to serve political objectives. (That’s probably an obvious understatement, right?)

If this story is true, it frightens me. It appears that our government and military leaders have been caught in a major scandal. And I wonder if the U.S. news media will let them get away with it.

I urge you to call up on your computer and read what is being presented in Britain. Judge for yourself about who is being honest.

I also highly recommend on the computer. Such sources are free, and they open up stories from everywhere in the world. Uncensored.

Stirling Cooper

Glenwood Springs

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