New Rifle city councilor voted in on Wednesday night’s special meeting

Michael Clancy is the newest Rifle City Council member.
During a special meeting on Wednesday night, Rifle city council reviewed two applications for the vacant council seat following Brian Condie’s departure earlier in the month.
The two applicants came from Rifle’s internal boards, as the council decided to open it up to people who worked directly or indirectly for the city first because of their short time span to appoint someone to Condie’s seat.
The two applicants were Clancy from the Parks and Recreation Advisory Board and Rick Steffen from the Planning and Zoning Commission.
Council asked six questions of the applicants, where Clancy answered first, then Steffen, and then with the next question, Steffen would answer, then Clancy, to keep it even between the two. Any follow-up questions were asked of both applicants as well.
The applicants were sent the questions before-hand so one wouldn’t have an upper hand on the other in terms of formulating an answer.
Both are business owners in Rifle and both have resided in Rifle for around 40 years. Council thanked both of them for being such strong candidates and encouraged them both to run during the next council election in 2025, which would have three open seats.
Councilor Chris Bornholdt, participating over Zoom as he had another engagement in Denver for his regular job, moved to approve Clancy to the open position on city council.
Clancy was approved four to two, with councilors Clint Hostettler and Joe Carpenter voting against. Clancy and Steffen shook hands after the vote.

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