Resident input wanted on Rifle’s Energy and Resilience Action Plan

The city of Rifle stated in a news release that they’re putting together an Energy and Resilience Action Plan for the first time and are inviting residents of the city to give their input into it.
The purpose of the plan is to identify ways that the city and its partners can support efficient and renewable energy, cost savings on energy and emissions reductions while adapting to the impacts of a warming climate while creating a more diverse and vibrant economy.
This planning process is being funded through a Climate Resilience Challenge grant from the Colorado Department of Local affairs and Rifle has contracted Clean Energy Economy for the Region (CLEER) to develop the plan.
When the plan is finalized in May 2025, it will enable the city to apply for additional state grants to undertake the recommended measures.
Rifle residents can give their input through Dec. 12 via an online survey at The webpage provides additional information about the goals and processes of the plan and supplemental documents.
“Taking stock of energy use and climate resilience makes sense for communities like Rifle”, said Morgan Hill, Associate Director for CLEER. “The plan will identify strategies to make buildings and landscapes more energy efficient, reducing energy expenses for residents and business owners and keeping more money in the local economy.”
Rifle will be working to evaluate and optimize its solar arrays and making sure they’re working properly. Strategies and action steps will also promote an increase in renewable energy for the community’s energy supply.
The city of Rifle will also identify options for the community to reduce emissions in relation to other energy-related topics in the plan. The project team developed a greenhouse gas inventory to provide the best opportunities for reducing those emissions.
As part of the resilience piece of the plan, Hill said the plan will help Rifle adapt to the impacts of extreme weather. From the findings of a vulnerability assessment, the project team will focus on extreme heat events and how to safeguard the built environment against such events.
For updated information on all city matters, please go to our website,, or the Facebook, Instagram and X pages. Visit to sign up for community news where anyone can pick topics and how they’ll be notified about them.
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