Some students at Wamsley Elementary in Re-2 transition to distance learning after COVID-19 exposure

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Wamsley Elementary School is transitioning some students to distance learning after several classroom teachers and members of the administrative team were exposed to someone who tested positive for COVID-19.

“Students and staff that were directly impacted have transitioned to distance learning, and instruction is being provided remotely with substitute teacher support in the building,” a news release from the Re-2 School District states. “Garfield Re-2 is providing additional administrative support for the school to supplement the leadership who will continue to work remotely.”

Anyone who came into close contact with the individual who tested positive are being asked to quarantine, or stay at home and self-isolate, for two weeks.

Garfield Re-2 is working with Garfield County Public Health to conduct contact tracing. 

Questions can be directed to Garfield County Public Health 970-945-6614, or in Rifle at 970-625-5200.

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