Monday letters: Know the facts, homelessness, and political critiques

Misinformation threatens unity

A letter to the editor on Wednesday Dec 25, Christmas, titled “Devil’s Advocate” was more like the devil himself. Making false statements to instill doubt and fear is the heart and soul of a political movement that has replaced reality with lies. China does not own 20% of California, not 25% of Utah and Arizona, or half of North Carolina. In fact, there are Chinese business interests that have invested in North Carolina, but that equates to about 1%, not 50%.
Foreign investment entities, not governments, own over 40 million acres of U.S. agricultural land, which is about 1.8% of all land in the U.S. and 3.1% of all privately held agricultural land which is used for farming, ranching, and timber production. Canadian investors own the most land – 31% — followed by the Netherlands, Italy, the United Kingdom and Germany. China is 18th on the list, The acquisition of that land was comparable during Trump’s first term and that of Biden. They are also required to pay taxes on the income generated from that land, property taxes, and capital gains taxes if it is sold for a profit.
The use of disinformation to fire up emotions and fuel its repetition as misinformation to undermine fact and reality has been a dangerous trend that has been channeled through polarizing media outlets, be them social or mainstream networks. It has been perfected by continuous repetition and threatening and derogatory accusations that blur one’s ability to intelligently assess reality. Our president elect has been a master of it and has no reliable platform of truth from which one can believe anything he professes.
The letter from the devil’s advocate is one that I consider incendiary and racist. It uses an indirect method to stir doubt and prejudice through suggestion, inference, and lies. Whether it is an immigrant population escaping intolerable stress in their homeland, racial, ethnic, or religious minorities who are productive, tax paying citizens, this kind of rhetoric threatens and victimizes so many unfairly.

Russell Libby, Snowmass

Fight for Christmas 2025

Homelessness is rising. Will you be next? One car accident or a check up with the doctor can make that happen for you. You live in a place where you’re on your own. It’s part of the propaganda used against us so we will never unite to stop the theft from our working class. 

Do you really want to live in a country like this where you’re oppressed, pay excessive taxes which you never see the benefit from, are underpaid by your wealthy boss/client, and forced to live in housing conditions that are worse than prison cells in better countries? You may think it’s an exaggeration, but many workers who drive up valley live in worse conditions than some prisons.

We have an option. Change the Constitution. Revise it so there is no more corruption in our government and we can finally create laws that benefit society instead of the wealthy and money obsessed. Then, our votes would actually matter and we could move forward. Our debates and arguments would serve our future instead of helping the wealthy secure theirs. 

I propose setting up an administrative center in a newly declared autonomous region where we can carry out this work and bring it to national referendum. Ban the two major political parties and their representatives, make government stock trading a serious crime, reverse the Citizens United decision, reestablish the Supreme Court, and remove all political donations from our government. 

Do you have a better way? If so, please share. The rich will come after us either way so we can fight now and win the battle or we can stand still which means losing. We have to take a few steps backwards, fix the foundation, and then we can get to the lives we’re all missing out on.

There were big Christmas trees in the homes in Aspen. I didn’t see a single decorated Christmas tree this holiday season. We all felt it. We all feel the mountains and things we love slipping away from us. You built this place. All that is being taken away by someone else.

Fight for Christmas 2025.

Chris Bauer, Silt

Critiquing the Democratic Party’s direction

We cannot overlook the significant role of local and coastal papers in shaping the political narrative. Their left-wing coverage of the Biden Administration has been instrumental in defining Trump’s role as a counterpoint to politically uninformed individuals. The Biden Administration’s performance has been so poor that even the legacy media can’t spin it positively. This poor performance underscores the immense influence of the media in shaping public perception. 

It’s disheartening to witness the Democrats’ ‘gas tank’ running our government on fumes left over from a mighty Roosevelt administration. As a former Democrat, it’s painfully clear that the party is merely going through the motions and lacks a cohesive vision. Harris’s leadership best exemplifies this. The Democrats seem to be in a worse state than the Republicans during the Great Depression and World War II. At least Republicans were loyal to the country despite their political affiliation.

So what has brought the Democratic Party to such ends? After World War II, we became overindulgent and heady after Allie’s victory. Anything from rock and roll to beat poetry and beyond called for a freer society from the prior restrictions of the Victorian Age. In other words, “do it.” Good.

Unfortunately, it’s led to humoring those who have forgotten reality. Out of “compassion,” we entertain the bizarre. How much queer sex, drag shows for children, mutilated children, undocumented immigration, unregulated libraries, child sex and sex slavery, gang takeovers, etc., etc., not to mention darker things… all in the name of “woke.” By default, this is the Democratic Platform unchained or without guard rails. This hedonism benefits those in power while the masses plunge to lows. “Common Sense Verboten,” right Comrade? Watch “DEMOCRACY2025” defend things that come out the “other end.” A front-row seat is at home watching the “too late shows.”

Fred Stewart, Grand Junction

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