Guest column: Community is a group activity
Glenwood Springs City Councilor
As a longtime Glenwood Springs business owner, neighbor, and now a City Council member, I’ve come to appreciate how much richer our community can be when we all contribute. Before serving on the City Council, I had a general idea of how our City government worked but certainly did not know the ins and outs of policy-making, legalities, and all of the entities involved.
When I found myself with a bit more discretionary time, I decided I wanted to know more, get more connected with neighbors, and be more involved. Since that decision, my perspective on our local government has expanded. I am passionate about building relationships in Glenwood Springs and the best way to do that is to get involved. The more connected we are as a community, the easier it will be to maintain the character of our City. After all, “community” is a group activity.
Everyone brings different perspectives, priorities and areas of interest, but what we take away from the activity depends on what we put into it. The most vibrant experience will come from care and participation.
At the same time, it is clear that people are busy and we all have a lot on our plates. It can feel impossible to add even a single extra commitment. Nevertheless, I encourage you to connect in a meaningful way that works for you and your schedule.
Today, getting involved with the City and this community is easier than ever.
As a City Council, we have worked hard to make sure that information is available to you. Our staff regularly updates social media, frequently shares press releases and email newsletter updates, adds information regarding projects online, and responds to your information records requests. All CORA (Colorado Open Records Act) requests can be viewed at, where you can also request additional information.
The many ways to connect with the City, staff, and Council members can be found at Here are a few ways to get started:
Receive City Updates
Did you know you can receive updates from the City directly to your email or texts? Select the topics you are most interested in, such as community events or specific construction project updates. Our staff also puts together a monthly email newsletter so you can get all the need-to-know information in one place. Subscribe to our newest newsletter, City Council Recaps and Notifications, to get post-Council meeting summaries about decisions and actions taken in Council meetings. Receive these updates via email or text (or both).
Follow Along Online
If you prefer to receive your news on social media, we are there, too. You can find the City and City departments including Fire, Police and Parks & Recreation, on Facebook, Instagram, Nextdoor, WhatsApp, and YouTube. All profiles are linked directly at for easy following. The City shares updates about projects, road construction, local events, and Council decisions.
Chat With Us
I know that sometimes chatting with a person one-on-one can feel most comfortable, and I am more than happy to do that with you. Please do not hesitate to reach out to me at I would love to join you for coffee or meet with your neighborhood or small group. My fellow council members feel similarly, and we all welcome your emails, comments, and questions at
If you want to dive in deep (which is how I became a Council member), we always seek community members to serve on our boards and commissions. We have 14 different boards and commissions that advise the Council and staff on issues related to arts and culture, parks and recreation, housing, tourism management, downtown development, and more. If you have a few hours a month to contribute to the community, the boards and commissions are a great way to use your experience and knowledge tangibly for Glenwood Springs.
Where To Start?
Whether you subscribe to our newsletter or join a board, every bit of engagement strengthens our community. Once you connect, you’ll find new ways to contribute and make an impact, even without attending public meetings.
I’ve learned through my involvement just how accessible our City staff and Council members are. We’re here to listen, respond, and work together. Your voice has a real impact on our community just by reaching out and connecting. After all, your City Council members and a lot of your city staff live here in Glenwood Springs. We shop at the same grocery store, attend the same events, and our kids go to the same schools. Building stronger relationships in our community starts with a single conversation, and we welcome new perspectives, participation, and insights from each of you.
Let’s keep the conversation going, find all the ways to receive updates, engage, and opportunities to get involved at I look forward to hearing from you soon.
Erin Zalinski is an at-large city councilor for Glenwood Springs. She was elected to office in 2023.
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