Guest column: Rolling out a new destination management and strategic marketing plan for Glenwood Springs
Glenwood Springs Tourism Management Board

On behalf of the Glenwood Springs Tourism Management Board, I am thrilled to announce the City of Glenwood Springs has approved its first Destination Management and Strategic Marketing Plan. The City Council, by adoption of this plan, acknowledges the importance of marketing our destination for the economic benefit of the community. This three-year plan will align tourism with residents’ needs enhancing their quality of life and fostering community pride.
The Glenwood Springs Tourism Management Board is a city-appointed advisory board with representation consisting of, two representatives from tourism-related businesses within the city; two representatives from lodging businesses within the city; one representative from a restaurant or retail business within the city; one representative from the Glenwood Chamber association and three citizens who are residents of the city who may have a financial stake in a tourism-related business. Our mission: “Manage marketing and responsible promotion for the Glenwood Springs area to benefit the local economy, enhance residents’ quality of life, and protect natural resources.”
The reason the Glenwood Springs Tourism Management Board took on this endeavor is to align tourism management and marketing efforts with Visit Glenwood Springs (VGS). As the city’s destination management organization, VGS is contracted to provide direction on the best practices for marketing and promotion of our community.
It is our collective goal to encourage responsible visitation while supporting local tourism-related businesses. As part of the plan, we will soon be collecting data from both the community and industry stakeholders to determine how best to achieve these goals, which include:
- Recruit highly compatible & responsible visitors: “We will recruit travelers who stay longer, spend more, support local cultural assets, and respect our natural resources.”
- Support local tourism-related businesses: “We will strengthen local tourism-related businesses through research, training, and partnerships.”
- Create local advocates for tourism: “We will develop initiatives to build community support for tourism and highlight its benefits.”
- Encourage responsible visitation: “We will promote sustainable tourism practices to protect Glenwood Springs’ natural and cultural assets.”
The plan’s strategy emphasizes collaboration with local businesses, community engagement, and sustainable development to ensure that Glenwood Springs remains a vibrant and attractive community for residents to live in and visitors to enjoy. We are very excited about this new plan and have already started a number of initiatives towards the goals for 2025 and beyond. For more information the plan is accessible on the city website and is available in both English and Spanish.
Loretta Ayala is chair of the Glenwood Springs Tourism Management Board & Glenwood Hot Springs Resort Lodge Manager.

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