Wednesday letters: West Mamm, prices from the past and a thank-you to Catholic Charities

Protect West Mamm

This letter is to respond to the West Mamm project. Please join me in protesting this project. I’ve been away from the valley for a number of years and upon returning I found the places I most enjoyed are now controlled by the gas and oil industry. Where I used to explore and enjoy the breathtaking sites of the Rifle area are now locked gates and no trespassing sites. 

I understand progress to make things better but how is this making western Colorado better? I see less deer, elk, bears and all natural wildlife gone. It’s not because of us, it’s because wide roads, drilling rigs, high tanks and the desire for the gas and oil industry to make more money while we lose our freedom to explore the places God gave us to enjoy. 

Don’t you think over the past 20 years you have done enough to destroy what was once Mother Nature’s gift to all of us that enjoy the outdoors? Think about what we have lost and think again about what we continue to loss if we let gas and oil take it all.

Don Schrotberger, Rifle

When prices doubled (from 10 to 20 cents)

It is interesting to note the history of what I knew as the Glen Theater run by Della and Dan Cornwall as I grew up. That included the Canyon Drive-In, where the mall is. The only hint of the old Orpheum when the building was demolished was the wallpaper behind the 1939 remodel. Otherwise, noting the admission fee of 10 cents on the ticket booth window brought back the memory of 20 cents that was charged 50 years later. 

I got by with a quarter with a nickel to spend on a Saturday matinee sucker that would last through the commercials, cartoons, teasers, and the full movie. To get a two-mile ride home, I would have to reach through a high opening in the ticket office and braille the number. A 10-cent popcorn was not in the budget.

Fred Stewart, Grand Junction

Thank-you to Catholic Charities

I would like to say thank you to Kathy Fitzgerald of Catholic Charities for blessing my family and I with sanctity, stability, and security. 

At the most pivotal point in my life when I had thought all hope was gone and questioned my faith, Faced with challenges I never would wish on anyone. Kathy was there to uplift my spirit, gave me hope and made a major difference in my days, my life, my children’s lives. Beyond the physical importance of aiding my family and I a place to call home, you gave me hope for the next days, and the breath I breathe. Knowing that my family and I are more than a task, obligation, paperwork on your desk or in a filing cabinet, we are a thought that matters to you. That alone has changed my life forever just knowing we matter to you. 

Thank you for everything you’ve done, are doing and are going to do. You have made a difference in our world. Thank you Kathy. You deserve the countless blessings you have given everyone else. 

I also want to thank each individual and entity that works closely with Kathy and Catholic Charities, Salvation Army, Toms Door, Community Outreach, Holy Cross Energy and to everyone who contributes. Y’all are life savers. It’s more than anyone could ever ask for. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. 

Kathy, thank you for everything, you truly have wings. Thank you for being you and the very definition of selflessness. May this bless you and the others who stood by you to each of the charitable organizations that work closely with Kathy and Catholic Charities, and to that of the community as well because of all that is provided. 

Kathy has been able to change our lives with positivity and due diligence. Simply by taking the time to listen, understand, and with compassion. She knew who to call, where to go, what to do and the time it was going to take to get it accomplished. But she wouldn’t have been able to without the support of each and everyone she works closely with. 

Thank you and Happy New Year, may this bring warm hearts, smiles and countless blessings, because that’s what it has brought to us.

Kimberly Yenter, Parachute

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