YouthZone column: Budgeting for philanthropy

Ali Naaseh-Shahry
Ali Naaseh-Shahry

Over Martin Luther King Jr. weekend, I had an out-of-town guest stay with me on his way through town. Given the subzero Arctic temperatures, we were wary of spending too much time outside. Regardless, we wanted to enjoy unparalleled beauty of the area, so we spent quite a bit of time driving between Aspen, Rifle, and the surrounding hills, taking in the sights from the comfort of a heated vehicle. This gave us a wonderful opportunity to discuss our plans for the new year, both business and personal.

My guest and I have known each other for well over 20 years at this point. In those years, he was able to enjoy substantial financial success in the tech industry. He has spent the last few years pursuing personal projects, many of which have a philanthropic focus. In passing, I mentioned that he should consider contributing to YouthZone in 2025, and his response shocked me: “My contributions for 2025 have already been allocated.”

The reason this shocked me is because only three weeks into the new year, he had already identified the organizations that he was going to support, and the exact dollar amounts that he was going to donate. Even more telling is the fact that he was saving these gifts for the typical end-of-year giving season, a staggering 11 months from our conversation.

My takeaway from this conversation was simple – successful philanthropists plan, months and even years ahead. Whether they’re running a household or running a business, these people allocate a pot of money early on that can be delegated to the nonprofits they support. Sometimes they do it on their own, as my guest chooses to do each year, and sometimes their giving goals are complex enough to enlist the help of a certified professional. When I approach potential donors about making a gift to YouthZone, I’m often met with: “I wish I could donate, but money is tight right now,” or “We’d love to support through our business, but our expenses are already over budget this month”. It can be tough to make spur-of-the-moment donations in today’s economy. That’s why it’s critical to think ahead.

Consider starting small by committing to set aside $5 for YouthZone the next time you cash your paycheck – I promise that you will be successful. From there, continue planning ahead – set aside $5 at the beginning of each month until you feel comfortable with the direction your giving plan is going. You can apply the same strategy to a yearly giving plan as well. Say you contributed $150 last year. By planning to save just five additional dollars per week, you can increase your annual gift to $210. Finally, if you’re more interested in long-term planning, you can speak with your estate planner to include YouthZone in your will.

Regardless of what your giving goals entail, they will certainly require advanced plans. As you start thinking about what you want to achieve in 2025, feel free to give us a call at 970-945-9300 to learn more about different ways to give. If you’re already looking to contribute, visit to start your journey today. Together, we can foster Hopeful Youth, Strong Families, and Safe Communities for years to come.

YouthZone Deputy Development Director Ali Naaseh-Shahry is a Colorado native who holds degrees in international public policy from the University of Colorado (BA) and University College London (MSc). He moved to western Colorado in 2015 to teach six-and-under ski school at the Aspen Skiing Company. Ali has taught a wide variety of academic and experiential subjects to people of all ages. Most recently, he worked as a special education teacher with the Roaring Fork School District, where he used data-driven decision making to improve his delivery of specialized instruction. Ali enjoys lift-access powder skiing, raft-access fly fishing, and spending time with his cats.

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