
Team Effort

Thank you for the wonderful story following an interview by Jessica Cabe that I enjoyed very much. I appreciate the Post Independent’s support of our efforts at The Ute Theater in Rifle, and am humbled and flattered at the nice piece.

While it is true I do a lot of stuff at the theater myself, it’s important to note that there are some other folks of which the theater could not exist or operate without. The Rifle Parks and Recreation Department is instrumental in helping me with the theater’s upkeep and maintenance. They are amazing. The Rifle planning Department has been invaluable in helping the theater in so many ways, to be successful.

And I really want to make sure everyone realizes the role The New Ute Theater Society (NUTS) plays in the success of the Ute, from countless volunteer hours and help they have given me to the passion and vision that got this all started.

Once again, thank you for the thoughtful story. I just wanted to make sure the proper people got credit for the success of Rifle’s new gem, The Ute Theater.

Don Chaney

Rifle special events manager

Political Response

Trayvon Martin, Michael Brown, Freddie Gray: Executive branch/judicial branch/legislative branch response: 100 percent political and judicial prosecution to the affirmative. (Evidence? What is that?)

Kate Steinle‘s murder: Huh, what? We have no comment on that distracting theoretical event.

Need we say anything more?

Tom and Jane Ashworth


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