Protect your home from wildfires

It seems everywhere we go in Colorado right now we cannot help but notice the amount of smoke in the air. Here locally the Lake Christine Fire that started on the 4th of July has been the forefront of many conversations I have had with clients in the last month and so I wanted to share some tips on how to protect your home from wildfires.
You can never completely plan for the unexpected, but you can certainly mitigate risk in case your home finds itself in the path of the next destructive wildfire. Below are some tips for you to follow.
Clear combustible debris from around your home and property.
Whether it be an old wooden deck, a downed tree, old leaves or brush, or simply a wooden fence that no longer serves a purpose, all these can help mitigate fire danger. By creating a defense barrier around your home you are protecting against the threat of fire and more than likely, improving curb appeal as a bonus.
Protect your roof. The days of using wood shakes for your roof surface are long gone for obvious reasons. If you’re replacing your roof you should consider using a Type A material like asphalt shingles or even better go with a steel, aluminum or tile application to provide ultimate protection against fire. While you are at it with protecting your roof it should also be part of your plan to secure your roofs eaves and vent openings where fire can easily enter.
Upgrade your windows and drapes. Old windows are more vulnerable to allowing fire to enter and catch furniture or drapes on fire.
By replacing windows you limit the vulnerability and if you want to be really safe, consider installing fire resistant shutters on the exterior of your home that can be closed if fire is nearby.
Select a home site that is naturally resistant to fire. This is not applicable to anyone except for those who are planning to build their home. If you’re starting from the ground up, you should certainly keep in mind that areas surrounded by trees or atop rock outcroppings are at high risk of fire danger and you might consider building elsewhere.
Stay safe and continue doing your rain dance… we sure do need it.
Shawn Manwaring is a Broker Associate with Roaring Fork Sotheby’s International Realty in Glenwood Springs. Shawn services Western Garfield County and the lower Roaring Fork Valley. He can be reached at 970-389-6069 or

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