Monday letters: Proposition 129, Garfield County commission races and more election letters

Don’t make veterinarian care an industry
The shortage of veterinary care in Colorado is real, but 129 is not the answer. From my perspective after 50 years in pet care, I am appalled to see veterinary medicine copying the worst features of human medicine, transforming from a profession into an industry. The motivation is purely profit, and this proposal to create a new layer of clinical practice is mostly gatekeeping.
Creating a Masters level degree program won’t increase access to needed care; it will only increase the cost of all care and keep vet techs underpaid.
To improve animal health and access to quality care, vet techs and vets should be using their knowledge to increase pet owners’ competence and skills in home-based caregiving: nutrition, grooming, socialization and appropriate management, so that more pets are healthy without dependence on constant medical interventions and increasingly expensive commercial junk foods.
Most of our local clinics have now gone corporate. Perhaps you’ve noticed how many expensive tests and procedures are being sold as necessary. It is exactly how for-profit human “health care” keeps people worried, dependent and poor. A dental cleaning 5 years ago that was $400-600 is now $1500, but still no one is told how to prevent tooth issues by proper feeding and brushing.
Prop 129 is a step on the already well-trodden path toward veterinary industry following the track of the terrible “health care” system that we are mired in without a clear exit in sight. Let’s not go there with our pets!
Laurie Raymond, Glenwood Springs
Samson a ‘committed county commissioner’
As a dedicated unaffiliated voter, I want to share a few of my reasons for supporting Mike Samson for County Commissioner.
I have known Mike Samson for nearly 40 years. Mike is 100% committed to advancing what makes Garfield County special. Mike is a life-long public servant, having started as a public school teacher, then administrator, and now committed county commissioner.
In today’s political environment, it’s enough for me to know Mike Samson is a man of integrity. He isn’t interested in headlines or higher office. As a commissioner he continually demonstrates his dedication to protecting and improving Garfield County, and he’s not afraid to tackle anyone or any agency that represents a stumbling block to that improvement.
I know Mike has agonized over many of the tough decisions before the commission. Above all he wants to do the right thing.
Finally, Commissioner Mike Samson initiated a non-partisan, all-county Water Forum where everyone with an interest in our waters meets twice a year to share visions, desires, progress and concerns. Additionally, Mike and his fellow commissioners have generously “put their money where their mouth is” to secure local control and permanence of the vital Shoshone water rights for Garfield County and western Colorado.
If you care about protecting Garfield County’s water and other natural resources, I urge you to support Mike Samson’s re-election. His steadfast leadership on these issues is essential to the future of our county.
Chris Treese, Glenwood Springs
Samson provides ‘thoughtful leader’ on county commission
I have known and observed Mike Samson over his past 16 years as County Commissioner and I urge you to support his re-election. He has provided thoughtful leadership to our residents over that period, as well as his previous long-time service in the RE-2 School District. Growing up in Garfield County, Mike understands the need for a diverse and strong economy, especially as supported by the energy sector. Rather than taking an adversarial approach, Mike promotes diversification within the energy sector, encouraging growth not just in exploration but in areas like design, engineering, project management, and trading. By doing so, he helps to extend the economic benefits of this sector throughout our entire community.
Mike advocates for responsible energy development by all available means. He actively works to maintain healthy relationships with state and federal agencies, ensuring we avoid the kind of regulatory overreach that could harm both the energy sector and our local economy. His balanced approach—one that respects all community stakeholders—promotes jobs, economic growth, and a stable energy future
Mike understands that our energy sector partners have the capacity to do more than fuel our economy—they can collaborate to cultivate our broader economic landscape. Through reinvesting the surplus of human and economic capital into other industries, Mike ensures that Garfield County can continue to thrive across multiple sectors, not just energy. His vision supports sustainable job creation and economic opportunity for our residents.
As the original convenor of the Garfield Water Forum, Mike has worked to bring together the diverse water interests, (agricultural, municipal, industrial, environmental & recreational) on a regular basis to discuss and inform.
Mike Samson’s leadership on energy and water issues has been critical to the success of Garfield County, and I encourage you to support his re-election. His policies ensure a brighter, more diverse economic future for our entire community
David Hill Merritt, Glenwood Springs
Carey would ‘broaden and rebalance’ leadership on county commission
As a 3rd generation valley resident, local rancher with Republican roots, and a grandparent concerned about the future of our country and the environment that we are leaving for younger generations, I ask you to vote for Caitlin Carey for Garfield County Commissioner. The GarCo board needs to broaden and rebalance its leadership on energy, the local economy, affordable housing, dwindling agricultural base, and the changing climate.
Fifty percent of our population are women and our community needs that representation on the commissioner board.
We also need local representation by the Democratic party, as opposed to a party that is lead by a narcissistic con man who wants vengeance on citizens who have different political views from the leader.
Will Perry, Carbondale
Arauza understands struggles facing working families
Dear Editor,
I am writing to express my support for Steven Arauza who is running for Garfield County Commissioner in 2024.
As a working parent, dedicated public servant, and labor champion, Steven brings a fresh perspective that our community desperately needs.
Steven understands the daily struggles faced by working families in Garfield County — high healthcare costs, rising grocery bills, and the challenges of finding affordable housing. His commitment to addressing these issues is rooted in his personal experience, making him a representative who truly embodies the values and concerns of our community.
His vision for Garfield County includes prioritizing access to healthcare, childcare, and mental health services, as well as promoting pathways to homeownership. Steven recognizes that our community’s strength lies in its working people and families, and he is determined to ensure that their needs are met.
With over a decade of experience in oil and gas regulation, Steven offers a unique perspective on how to navigate economic challenges while embracing new opportunities. His focus on workforce training and diversification will help secure a sustainable future for our county.
Steven’s opponent failed to offer any new ideas during the recent candidate Q&A forums and debates, choosing rather to reflect on past actions, discourage any sort of innovative ideas for future economic development (growing the Rifle airport is his only suggestion for growth), and insist that Garfield County should remain has it has for the last 50 years.
Here’s the thing – Garfield County is changing, and we need leaders who will foster and direct the change in positive and sustainable ways.
I urge the residents of Garfield County to support Steven Arauza. He is the candidate who will champion our needs and lead us toward a resilient, thriving community.
Jen Quevedo, New Castle

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